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Concert: Mozart in London
Concert: Johann Sebastian Bach
Concert: My first 300 years
Concert:Viola da Gamba and Orchestra
Concert: Graun and Hesse
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The Collection
Violin Family
Italian, 16th C.?
Nicolò Amati 1669
Testore 18th century
Matthias Albanus
Antonio Pollusca
Giovanni Antonio Marchi
Italian, Cremona or Venice ?
Grancino School
J. Christoph Leidolff 1739
J Christoph Leidolff 1746
J. Christoph Leidolff 1747
J. Christoph Leidolff 1748
Joseph Ferdinand Leidolff 1767
Johann Georg Thir 17–
Johann Georg Thir 17–
Mathias Thir 17–
Johann Joseph Stadlman 1767
Sebastian Dallinger 17__
Johann Schorn 1707
Jacobus Koldiz 1751
Anonimous Master 18th C.
Georg Hellmer 18th C.
Jacob Horil 1739
Aegidius Kloz I 1717
Aegidius Kloz II 1774
Sebastian Kloz 1733
Leopold Widhalm ca 1780
Joseph Hill 1774
J. Anton Gedler 18th C.
Hans Krouchdaler 17th C.
Anonymous ca. 1730
Giuseppe Gaffino 1743
Anonymous, Mittenwald, 18th C.
Anonymous German 18th C.
Anonymous 18th C.
Anonymous – Goffriller School 19th C.
Anonymous Italian 1570
Anonymous Milano 17th C.
Giovanni Grancino Milano, ca. 1700
J. Christoph Leidolff 1719
Anton Posch ca. 1700
Johann Georg Thir 1757
Mathias Thir 18th C.
Johann Joseph Stadlmann 1764
Sebastian Dallinger 1780
Anonymous 17th C.
Thomas Hulinsky 1768
Josephus Antonius Laske 1787
Anonymous 18th C.
William Smith ca. 1780
Simone Cimapane 1692
North Italian, ca. 1760
Montagnana School ca. 1700
Carlo Giuseppe Testore c.a. 1700
Anonymous, ca. 1700
Nicolaus Leidolff 1690
Anton Posch ca. 1700
Johann Georg Thir 1775
Michael Ignaz Stadlmann c. 1780
Johann Christoph Leidolff 1745
Violoncello piccolo German, ca. 1800
Violoncello “The King”
Double Bass and Violone
Violone in G 18th C.
Violone in D 17th C.
Johann Georg Thir 1750
Jan Uldaricus Eberle Prague, 1750
Special Violins
Joachim Tielke Hamburg ca. 1700
Quinton Louis Guersan ca. 1740
Viole d’Amore
Jean Baptiste Deshayes Salomon ca 1740
Johann Schorn ca. 1700
Johann Joseph Stadlmann 174_
Joann Joseph Hentschl 1750
Thomas Andreas Hulintzky 1774
Michael Andreas Partl 1751 (?)
Mathias Fichtl, Wien, 1711
Viola da gamba Family
Anonymous 16th C.
Gio. Balla Bugger 1630 (or 1636)
Anonymous, 16th C.
William Turner 1647
William Turner 1656
William Turner 1650 c.a.
Henry Jaye I 17th century
Salomon workshop 18th.
Marcel Pichler ?
Gianbattista Grancino ?
Anonympus, Munich, 17th C.
Leonhardt Maussiel, Nürnberg, 1720
Joann Andreas Kämbl, Munich, 1739
Matthias Joannes Koldiz Munich, 17?6
Paul Alletsee Munich, ca. 1720
German or Austrian, 18th C. (I)
German or Austrian, 18th C. (II)
Paul Alletsee, Munich 1684-1735
Ignatius Hoffmann Wölfelsdorf (Schlesien), 1736
Gasparo da Salò (Brescia, c. 1570)
William Bowelesse, London, c.a. 1580
Grancino, Milano, c. 1700
Anonymous, Napoli
Ventura di Francesco Linarolo (Venezia, 1585)
Giovanni Paolo Maggini (Brescia, c. 1600)
Paolo Antonio Testore (Milano, 1717)
Pietro Guarneri of Mantova (ca. 1700)
Joannes Florenus Guidantus
Label Matteo Goffriller
Anonymous, ca. 1670
William Turner, London, ca. 1650
Thomas Collingwood (London, 1680)
Edward Lewis (London, 1687)
Henry Jaye
Jakob Stainer Absam, 1671
Nikolaus Leidolff, Vienna, 1695
Johann Seeloss, Linz, 1691
Michael Albanus, Graz, 1706
Johannes Jauck, Graz, 1735
Joachim Tielke (Hamburg, 1683)
Joachim Tielke (Hamburg, 1697)
Paul Alletsee Munich, ca. 1722
Caspar Hopf, ca. 1680
Anonymous, festoon, ca. 1700
Claude Boivin, Paris, c. 1740
Ambroise de Comble, 18th C.
Pieter Rombouts, Amsterdam, 1724
Bass after John Rose by John Pringle (I)
Bass after John Rose by John Pringle (II)
John Pringle after Henry Jaye
Petr Vavrous after Salomon, Prague, 1999
Violone in g 18th c
Violone in D 17th C.
Johann Georg Thir, 1750
Jan Uldaricus Eberle, 1750
Pardessus de Viole
Flemish, c. 1700
Louis Guersan Paris, c. 1750
Werner Trojer, 2010
Ferdinand Wilhelm Jaura, 1934
Kurt Hoyer, 1977 after Stadlmann
Historical Bows
Historical bows
Modern Historical Bows by Scott Wallace
Modern Historical Bows by Antonino Airenti
Der Bogen
Keyboard Instruments
William Horn after Giovanni Maria Giusti
Werner Keil after Johann Nikolaus Bach (ca. 1700)
William Horn after Jan Ruckers (Antwerp, 1623)
William Horn after Queen Elizabeth’s Virginal (16th C.)
J. C. Neupert – Harpsichord
Walter Chinaglia, Positiv organ, 2006
Alex Hodson – Virginal (1946)
Wind Instruments
Flute (c. 1760)
Two Flutes – Traverso
One-keyed flute, 18th. C.
Flute, one-keyed, ca. 1820
Lute, Branzo Francesco Barbaro di Padova
Paintings & Engravings
Rogier de la Haye
Bonifazio Veronese
Anonymous after Bonifazio Veronese, 1805
Nicolas Poussin
Jean-Marc Nattier (1685-1766) (attributed)
Pipa – Chinese lute
Indian instrument with sympathetic strings
Head of a pardessus de viole
Head viola da gamba by Ruggieri
Head of a French Cello
Head of a Contrabass
Etui Gamba
Etui Violin
Exhibitions 2020 –
Bologna 2020
Bologna 2020 – Press review
Bologna 2020 – How was the exhibition settled down
Setting Up the Show
Bologna 2020 – Promo Video
Castello Odescalchi 2021
2021 The Travel To Bracciano
Exhibitions 2010 – 2019
Norway, 2010
Duino 2010
Concerts in Duino – 2010
Music for a while Shakespeare and his time
The Glory of Versailles Louis XIV and his time
The Golden Age in Spain Cervantes and his time
The Court of Berlin
Music for a Prince
Impero Austriaco
Mozart in London
Masters of the Baroque
Course in Duino – 2010
Course Duino 2010 – Tutors
Ibiza 2011
Exhibitions 2005 – 2009
Ibiza 2009
Ibiza 09 Concert
Cuenca 2009
Château de Lunéville 2009
Basauri (Vizcaya) 2009
Kremsegg, Austria, 2008
Lugo 2008
Salzburg 2007
Salzburg 2007 Diaporama
Noirlac 2007
Wien 2007
European Union, Culture-2000, Mozart-Call
La Baule 2006
Palma de Mallorca 2006
Tenerife 2005
Sviatoslav Belonogov
Duino 2005
Gijón 2005
Froville 2005
Château de Thoiry 2005
Exhibitions 2000 – 2004
Château de Thoiry 00
Ibiza 2004
Rambouillet 2004
Schottenstift Museum 2001
Sacile 2003
Vienna 2002
Sacile 2002
Schottenstift Museum 2001
Château de Thoiry 2000
Michaelstein 2000
Exhibitions 1993 – 1999
Foligno 1998
Vienna 1997
Perugia 1997
Trevi 1997
Taipei 1994
Graz 1994
Palais Lobkowitz 1993/95
EU Project 2009-2010
List of activities
Foligno 1998
Algier, 2009
Freiberg, Germany, June 2003
Sacile 2003
Steffisburg 2003, Germany, November 2003
Duino 2005
Kremsegg 2008
Jindrichuv Hradec 2008
Algier 2008
Basauri, 2009
Château de Lunéville, 2009
Ibiza 2009
Jindrichuv Hradec 2009
Thoiry 2009
Vienna 2010
Innsbruck 2010
Pylos 2010
Lviv 2010
St. Peters 2011
Courses 1990 – 2005
Jindrichuv Hradec 2001
Jindrichuv Hradec 2002
Jindrichuv Hradec 2003
Jindrichuv Hradec 2004
Ibiza 2004
Jindrichuv Hradec 2005
Duino 2005
Ibiza 2005
Sacile 2005
Tenerife 2005
Courses 2006 – 2010
Chateau de Thoiry, 2006
Jindrichuv Hradec 2006
Ibiza 2006
Thoiry 2007
Jindrichuv Hradec 2007
Ibiza 2007
Jindrichuv Hradec 2008
Ibiza 2008
Ibiza Course 09
Jindrichuv Hradec, 2009
Jindrichuv Hradec (Czech Republic), 2009
Courses 2011 – 2015
Edinburgh, 2011
Vignogoul 2010
Labro, 2011
Ibiza 2011
Gualdo Tadino 2012
Duino 2011
Tutors and Performers – Duino 2011
Ibiza 2010
Hamburg 2010
New York 2010
Sevilla 2020
Duino 2019
The Bow
Drawing your Violin Bow
Drawing your Viola da Gamba Bow
Articles on the Viola da gamba
The Oldest Viola da gamba in History
Violin & Viola da gamba: Differences and Similarities
The Shapes of the Viola da gamba in History
Renaissance viol in Guitar Form
Renaissance viol with rounded shoulders, but without violin corners
Two forms of the Renaissance
Viola da gamba in the Classical English form and in the violin form
Viols in the shape of the “classical” English viol
Viols as violin with sloping shoulders
Viola da gamba in the violin form but with Sharp Corners
Viola da gamba in the shape of a violin
Viola da gamba in festoon shape
The viola da gamba Tradition in South Germany and Austria
The Treble viola da gamba (violetta) in South Germany and Austria
Stradivarius and the viola da gamba
Viols with a shaped back
Die Formen der Violen da gamba
The First Viola da gamba Fresco cycle of the Cathedral of Valencia (1472-74)
Articles of Interest
The Viola da gamba: Origin and History
Die Viola da Gamba: Herkunft und Geschichte
Technique of Dendrochronology
Who made this instrument?
The French Rondeaux – Das französische Rondeau
Plans of the Instruments
Viola da gamba Albanus
Ruckers Symposium
The Italian Viola da Gamba
The English Viola da Gamba
Previous owners
Christian Döbereiner
Eva Heinitz
Bending Over Frontwards
Articles on the Violin Family
The Oldest Violin in History
Die Familie der Viola da braccio: Genese und Werdegang
Instrument Making Schools
String Makers
Viola da gamba Societies
Violin Societies
Antonino Airenti
Petr Vavrous & Jan Stejskal
Simone Zopf
Makers and Restorers
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Milano, 18th C.
Catalog 161. Violin, Milano, 18th C.
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