Torre de Ariz, Basauri (Vizcaya), Spain
march 20, april 26, 2009
Exhibitions of the Orpheon Foundation
The Vazquez Collection of Historical String Instruments
Violins, Violas da gamba, Viola d’amore, Violoncellos, Double Basses from 1500 to 1789
Download the guide of the exposition

Violin and Viola
Violin by Joseph Hill (1774) and viola in perfect original condition by William Smith, Sheffield, ca. 1780

Violoncello after Andrea Amati
Violoncello after Andrea Amati by Roland Houel, whose research brought forth for the first time the true dimensions of the original instrument

Baryton, viola and violoncello
Baryton after Schödler by Jaura, viola by Laske, violoncello by Anton Posch

Ruben Lofiego and Maite Uriarte
The luthier, Ruben Lofiego and Maite Uriarte, who visited the exhibition on several occasions

Special guests
Special guests at the exhibition: Markku Luolajan-Mikkola, a professional viol player from Finnland, standing left, and Luis Emilio Rodriguez, right, who came to measure and copy the bows of the collection.

Special guests
Special guests at the exhibition: Markku Luolajan-Mikkola, a professional viol player from Finnland, standing left, and Luis Emilio Rodriguez, right, who came to measure and copy the bows of the collection.

Michele Zeoli and Diana Lee-Planès
Michele Zeoli, violone and Diana Lee-Planès on the violin, two musicians who came to try out the instruments

Maria Eugenia Castro
And our thanks to the many, who helped make this exhibition possible, at the front! Here, Maria Eugenia Castro, who guided us from the very beginning, together with her colleagu, Irene Andoain

Alfonso Recio
Alfonso Recio, alpinist, who helped with the technical equipment and closely watched over the exhibition.
Marin Marais – Pièces à trois violes de gambe