viola da gamba by Joahim Tielke

The Vazquez Collection
Historical String Instruments
from 1500 to 1789

Panorama of the Exhibitions

Calendar of Events

The Orpheon Foundation harbours a collection classified as unique in the world. The sound produced by the instruments of the collection represent a living and endearing cultural patrimony, which we endeavour to share with a wider public throughout the world. In recognition of the significance of the collection and its work, the European Commission for Culture awarded Orpheon in 2007 a substantial grant as part of its cultural projects in music, thus making possible the realisation of a series of exhibitions, concerts and courses. Beginning in the spring of 2007 the collection was presented as an exhibition successively in Vienna, at the Abbaye de Noirlac (France), Salzburg and at the Castle of Kremsegg.

But music knows no borders! In 2008 the new wave of exhibitions will begin, with Spain as our first stop. There are plans for the colletion to travel overseas: China, South America, Abu Dhabi. Concerts, guided visits, conferences and master classes are regularly associated with these exhibitions, because the instruments are there to be heard. There is, in fact, a special, well-developed programme for young audiences of school age and conservatory students, who are the future inheritors of these treasures.

We would hope that you, too, will be interested in bringing the collection to your city or region, for the pleasure of professional musicians, instrument-makers, as well as lovers of music of all ages. Please contact us for further details.

Present exhibition: Castello di Duino, Italy

Recent exhibitions:
Cuenca, Spain: Parador Nacional
Photos: Cuenca!

Château de Lunéville, Lorraine, France
Photos: Lunéville!

Basauri (Vizcaya), Spain
Photos: Basauri

Lugo, Spain: June-July, 2008

Salzburg, Austria: 20 September - November 4, 2007
(Supported by a grant of the European Union Culture-2000 Mozart-Call)

L'Abbaye de Noirlac, France: 29 June - 29 July, 2007

Vienna, Austria, April 28 -June 23, 2007
(Supported by a grant of the European Union Culture-2000 Mozart-Call)

La Baule, France: 5-12 December, 2006

Thoiry, France: April, 2006

Palma de Mallorca, Spain: 27 February - 5 April, 2006

Tenerife, Spain: 9 December, 2005 - 15 January, 2006

Castello di Duino, Italy: 23 September - 15 November, 2005

Gijón, Spain: 15 July - 21 August, 2005

Froville, France, 14 May - 15 June, 2005

Thoiry, France: April - May, 2005

Ibiza, Sain: September-November, 2004

Rambouillet (France), April 3 to May 16, 2004

Sacile (Italia), 13 - 23 November, 2003

First International Viola da gamba Degustation, Vienna, Novembrer, 2002

Sacile (Italia),September, 2002

Schottenstift, Vienna (Austria), May-July, 2001

Château de Thoiry (France), April, 2000

Michaelstein (BRD), November 2000

Foligno (Italy), September, 1999

Vienna (Austria), December 1998

Perugia classico (Italy), October 1997

Trevi (Italy), October 1997

Palais Lobkowitz, Vienna (Austria),1995

Taipei (Taiwan), 1994

Graz (Austria), 1994

Palais Lobkowitz, Vienna (Austria),1993

two treble viola da gambas by William Turner

updated 30.01.2014